About Us

Source:Urban China Network Time:2013-09-27 Clicks:217925


The China Center for Urban Development (hereinafter to as “the CCUD”), is a public institution directly under the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Since its establishment in 1998, it has been participating in writing policy documents and providing policy consultancy on urbanization; providing guidance to its pilot cities for urban reform and development; formulating hundreds of socio-economic development plans, spatial development plans and land use plans; and organizing high-level international forums on urbanization and urban development.


The Planning Institute and the Comprehensive Transportation Institute have been set up under the CCUD to integrate top design with pilot programs for the sound and smooth implementation of new-type urbanization. The Institutes aim to explore integrated planning and the rules of coordinated transport, industrial and spatial development to underpin the theoretical and technical support in formulating and implementing the development plans and basic policies concerning national new-type urbanization, urban development strategy, industrial transformation and upgrading as well as integrated transport system.

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